Luiz Nicolaci da Costa
Galaxy Clusters: from Galaxy Evolution to Cosmology
PI: Ricardo Ogando Integrantes: Julia Gschwend, Hillysson Sampaio, Michel Aguena
Large Scale Structure of the Universe through the eyes of the LSST
PI: Flávia Sobreira Integrantes: Aurelio Carnero, Hugo Camacho, Andres Navarro
Reaching the farthest limits of the Galaxy: the outer halo, the faintest MW satellites and the substellar regime
PI: Basilio Santiago Integrantes: Adriano Pieres, Elmer Luque, Anna Queiroz, Marina Dal Ponte
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope: A light on the cold and dark world beyond Neptune
PI: Julio Camargo Integrantes: Martin Banda, Gustavo Rossi
Theory and Joint Probes at the LSST: Exploring the Universe with Combined Observational Probes
PI: Rogerio Rosenfeld Integrantes: Antonino Troja, Vinícius Terra, Nelson Ferreira